

May 26, 2008

So much to do

Wow, my week is full of plans.
Tomorrow I'm going to the hairdresser... still don't know what I want, but hey... I always go there without a clue.

Then on wednesday me and my confirmand are going to Lake Mond (Mondsee). I hope the weather will be sunny.

Thursday, I got a day "off".

On Friday me and a fellow student are working on our school-project for the final exam. We will be working with a teacher in the darkroom.

On Saturday I have a client shot, which I'm excited about as mentioned a few posts before, we haven't worked together yet, so something new ;) and the photos are going to be very sexy, haven't done that before too.
And then of course have to watch "Sex and the City - The Movie" with Manuela. A real stylish night it's going to be, you know.

So... yeah.. Sunday... is still free...

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