

Feb 26, 2009

My creative order

My latest Amazon order:

Lucia und der Sex (Lucìa y el sexo, Sex and Lucia). A spanish movie staring Paz Vega (Spanglish). A beautiful, sensual and inspiring movie. It's not about sex in first place, it's about relationships between lovers, parents and friends. About a writer who struggles with his story and the story somehow becomes alive, or he is just writing down his live.... that's up to the viewer.

Unheimliche Geschichten (Scary Stories) by Edgar Allan Poe. I am so excited about this one. Can't wait to start reading it.

Das große Buch vom Stricken (The big book about knitting).
Since I've discovered so many creative artists on the web, I was thinking about doing it again. I haven't knitted since I was about ... I don't know ... maybe 12 years old... so that is 12 years ago - my god.
And all these artists I know on the web are very young, so knitting and crafting isn't something for the "old ones" - it's getting modern again. I know a knitting circle here at my hometown with members of 20 years and younger.

Feb 20, 2009

Be patient...

I found a video through the lovely Deb Schwedhelm. She posted it on her blog, but please also take a look at her gorgeous photography.

It's a video by a photographer for photographers.... no matter if you're a pro or not or if you're in your beginnings like I am. It felt like he is directly speaking to me. It's a bit "long", but it's worth beeing watched till the end.

Visit Zack Arias.

Feb 19, 2009

Banana Nutella Muffins

The cold weather keeping me inside is good for baking. I'm not a genius in the kitchen but I'm so proud of these muffins/cupcakes.

I used the basic receipt and added 1 banana and nutella (hazelnut-chocolate-creme) to it. On top of the cream that are dried flowers with cinnamon and a bit sugar.


Da ich mal wieder lieber zuhause bleibe, und mich bei den Schneemassen auch gar nicht raus traue, hab ich mal wieder gebacken. Und ich bin so stolz auf diese Muffins. Ich habe nur das Grundrezept verwendet und selbst Zutaten dazugemixt. Und die sind so lecker geworden, total flaumig.

250 g Mehl
2 TL Backpulver
2 Eier
250 g Joghurt (oder Milch, ich habe Milch genommen)
100 g Zucker
75 ml Öl (Rapsöl ist ideal)
1 Banane
2 Esslöfel Nutella
Geriebene Nüsse (ich habe Walnüsse genommen)
Zum Dekorieren:
Sonnentor Gewürzmischung "Flower Power"

1. Mehl und Backpulver mischen.
2. Eier, Joghurt, Zucker und Öl gründlich verquirlen.
Laut Rezept soll man Punkt 1 und 2 getrennt machen, ich habe aber alles gleich in eine Schüssel und vorsicht vermischt, das funktioniert auch.
3. Die Banane mit einem Stabmixer schön zerkleinern, bis ein richtiger Brei entsteht und zur Masse dazugeben.
4. Nutella dazugeben, nach Geschmack kann es auch mehr sein. Dann die Nüsse dazu geben. Ich hab ehrlich gesagt nicht abgewogen wieviel ich genommen habe - das kann man ganz nach Belieben machen.
5. Alles gut vermischen und in die gefettete oder mit Förmchen ausgelegte Form gießen.
6. Bei 180 Grad ca. 20-25 Min backen, danach gut abkühlen lassen.
7. Mit Schlagobers und den getrockneten Blumen dekorieren.


Feb 18, 2009

I'm on RedBubble

I created my account at RedBubble!

You can buy my artwork there.
Click here to watch my Bubble Site!

I just started it, so there will be much more updates coming up.

Feb 17, 2009

Damn Winter Wonderland

So I'm stuck here on the hill again... had to cancel my portrait shootings for this week. The weather just got worse. It really drives me mad. I got many appointments for next week - so I really hope the situation will get better.

But good news are: I'm in contact with an online magazine. They really liked my photos and would love to work with me. So I'll be in Vienna in march to meet them and see if we can work together. Nothing is fixed yet, so I don't want to talk too much about it.
Keep your fingers crossed ;-)

Feb 13, 2009

My new cellphone!!

First of all... I'm not a technique freak when it comes to cellphones. I don't talk much on the phone, I prefer to write a message now and then ('cause they're free for me haha).
My boy gave a new cellphone on my birthday back in october. The one before was damaged by me. Spoiling joghurt over it is not a good thing, I can tell ;-)
So he gave me a new one as a present. That was another Nokia. But after 3 or 4 weeks the main display didn't work anymore. So we sent it in to get it fixed. A month later we got it back - the display was working again but I had no sound. We wrote a mail to Amazon who apologized for the company that gets all the repairs. They told us to send it in once again and promised it will be fixed.
After another month we got it back, but the sound wasn't working well again. I heard it ringing but I could not talk on the phone. So we wrote another very very disappointed mail to Amazon who apologized again and told us to send it back and we'll get the mony in return (they couldn't offer the phone 'cause they didn't have it anymore- surprise!). We did so.

So yesterday my boy came home and gave me this new phone!! It's even better than the last one! And it's lilac!!!
Ok gotta tell you now all the technique details...haha:

Nokia 7610 Supernova
Colourful exchangeable Xpress-On covers (I can change the colour to black - that one is included but many more colours are available)
Slim, sleek design with beautiful mirrored surface (perfect for girls)
Theme Colourizer to match my mood (that means, I can point the camera at a colour I like, take a picture, and it generates a perfect theme to it - that is so crazy)
3,2 Megapixel Camera with 8x digital zoom and flash (the quality is amazing!!)
Enhanced MP3 Player with dedicated music key (the sound is brilliant)

I really have to thank my honey for this wonderful present!

Feb 11, 2009

Emiliana Torrini in Concert!

Vienna, 09.02.2009

Photos taken by me and

Emiliana was just gorgeous and so sweet. I didn't know she can speak german - that was such a laugh, for her and us. Jungle Drum and Me and Armini are so great live! After Bleeder we were all like in trance. I was really happy with the songs she played. She also played 2 or 3 very old songs from the first album.
Emiliana: "This next song is 10 years old. I wrote it when I was 21 ... now I am 31."
Girl (shouts): "Doesn't matter!"
Emiliana: "I know it doesn't matter..... (cheeky smile)... young people are ugly."
That was a real laugh, she is such a down to earth funny lovely thing!
And I got the last signed poster - woohaa!