

Jan 9, 2009

Baby it's cold outside

Oh yes it is - damn cold! Me and my parents went for a walk, a few kilometers away from home. At home it was sunny and not that cold... well cold, but ok. We drove about 30 km and I feared the sun would not shine there, but it did - but it still was way too cold. We stayed only about 10 minutes outside and then went for lunch. After that we visited this castle. It was not opend, so we could not get inside, but doesn't it look stunning? In summer there are often concerts there, with big Popstars like Pink.


Oh ja es ist verdammt kalt. War heute mit meinen Eltern ein bissl unterwegs. Wir fuhren nach Ardagger in der Nähe von Grein. Dort gingen wir aber nur ca. 10 Minuten spazieren weils einfach zu kalt war. Danach gabs lecker Mittagessen und dann haben wir uns noch die Burg Klam angeschaut, wo ja schon Popstars wie Pink ein Konzert gegeben haben.

1 comment:

Shelby said...

brrr! But it looks breathtaking!!